As for the ninth part of this new article series entitled On Smoking, Heart Disease and
EKG Machines, we will just continue on discussing here all about the risks and dangers of smoking and how it affects our heart.
The good news is your risk of heart disease is cut in half after quitting tobacco for one year. After 15 smoke free years, your risk is similar to that of a person who has never smoked.
Quitting Smoking
• Thinking about quitting smoking is the first step. You don't have to do it all by yourself. Ask your family, friends, and doctor to help you.
• If you're ready to quit today, go ahead. But if you want to plan ahead, you don't have to stop right away. Do what works for you. For some people, it helps to set a date to stop, at a time when you won't have a lot of stress in your life.
• There are ways to boost your chance of quitting smoking for good. Using medicines, including nicotine replacement, can double your chances of success.1 Stop-smoking programs, telephone quit lines, and counseling can help too.
Allow me to stop there for a moment to give a review on this yet another superb
EKG machine device brand
Edan: Edan SE-12 Express. Also being listed in the website, Edan SE-12 Express is regarded as one of the recommended ECG Machines brand available in the market today as being used by most doctors and medical hospitals or clinics.
The Edan SE-12 Express is a twelve-channel is a special system of smart ECG series, which support both resting ECG and Exercise ECG. 12.1 inch high-resolution foldable color TFT touch-screen.
This said EKG Machine has a specific function keys for Exercise ECG test. And this ECG machine has a various treadmills or bicycles and Suntech tango+ exercise blood pressure monitor supported, customized exercise protocols, ST analysis and reports and complete digital filters, resisting baseline drift, AC and EMG interference.
Aside from the abovementioned specs, this EKG also includes these features: ethernet and RS-232 interface for data transmission to PC, built-in rechargeable Lithium battery, sleep mode for saving energy and extending LCD life, real-time waveform freezing
120 seconds ECG waveform reviewable and waveforms and auto-diagnosis results preview before printing.
Moreover, this EKG also has automatic arrhythmia detection and recording
200 ECGs in internal memory, automatic measurement and interpretation tested with authoritative CSE database, heart rate variability (HRV) analysis, PC-based data management and measurement software "Smart ECG Viewer" (Option) and trolley and cable bracket (Option).
For more info regarding this brand, you may visit the link below: