Thursday, July 9, 2009

Men, Heart Diseases and EKG Machines (Part 12): A Marquette MAC 3500 Deluxe ECG Product Review

As for the twelfth installation of this new series of article from Men, Heart Diseases and EKG Machines, we will just continue discussing the prevention of heart failure from worsening.

Monitor your weight and lose weight if needed
Learn what your "dry" or "ideal" weight is. Dry weight is your weight without extra water (fluid). Your goal is to keep your weight within four pounds of your dry weight. Weigh yourself at the same time each day, preferably in the morning, in similar clothing, after urinating but before eating, and on the same scale. Record your weight in a diary or calendar. If you gain two pounds in one day or five pounds in one week, call your doctor. Your doctor may want to adjust your medications.

Monitor your symptoms
Call your doctor if new symptoms occur or if your symptoms worsen. Do not wait for your symptoms to become so severe that you need to seek emergency treatment.

Take your medications as prescribed
Medications are used to improve your heart's ability to pump blood, decrease stress on your heart, decrease the progression of heart failure, and prevent fluid retention. Many heart failure medications are used to decrease the release of harmful hormones. These drugs will cause your blood vessels to dilate or relax (thereby lowering your blood pressure).

Schedule regular doctor appointments
During follow-up visits, your doctors will make sure you are staying healthy and that your heart failure is not getting worse. Your doctor will ask to review your weight record and list of medications. If you have questions, write them down and bring them to your appointment. Call your doctor if you have urgent questions. Notify all your doctors about your heart failure, medications, and any restrictions. Also, check with your heart doctor about any new medications prescribed by another doctor. Keep good records and bring them with you to each doctor visit.

Allow me to stop there for a moment to give a review on this yet another superb EKG device brand GE: Marquette MAC 3500 Deluxe ECG. Also being listed in the website, Marquette MAC 3500 Deluxe ECG is regarded as one of the recommended EKG Machines brand available in the market today as being used by most doctors and medical hospitals or clinics.

The Marquette MAC 3500 Deluxe ECG is an ideal for advanced 12-lead resting ECG analysis, the new MAC 3500 offers GE's clinically proven Marquette ECG analysis programs in an affordable and reliable unit.

This said EKG Machine has up to $30 reimbursement per test. This machine pays for itself after 350 tests. This ECG Machine has an easy to read monochrome or color screen displays 3 leads at a time.

Aside from the abovementioned specs, this EKG also includes these features: Marquette 12SL ECG simultaneous 12-lead ECG analysis program for adults and pediatrics, 12SL with Gender-Specific interpretation makes detecting AMI in women easier, Marquette Hook-up Advisor signal quality analysis program reduces poor waveform quality during ECG recording, barcode and magnetic card reader helps prevent errors and automate data input and patient identification and optional communication package links to GE MUSE information system.

Moreover, if you buy EKG on the website (, they offer a 1-year manufacturers warranty. You can also avail for a 2 year extended warranty which is available for $ 299 only. Extended warranty plans available including free loaners and our exclusive Rapid Response Service.

For more info regarding this brand, you may visit the link below:

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