Like any other medical procedures, there will be always benefits and risks that a person undergoing the said procedure can take. And fetal monitoring is a no exception.
With this, we are going to cite the known benefits and risks of fetal monitoring according to its type, and these are the following:
Fetoscope Method
This method is non-invasive, simple to use, and has a live person on the other end (This can prevent some of the errors that are mechanical.). This gives mother the mobility to deal with her labor, shower, etc. It does require that the person using it be trained, although it is a standard procedure taught in every medical and nursing type institution. In the case of high risk, induced, or with certain medications, it cannot provide the round the clock monitoring that may be necessary.
Telemetry Monitoring Method
This is the "newest" type of monitoring available. It uses radio waves, connected to a transmitter on your thigh, to transmit the baby's heart tones to the nurses station. You maintain your mobility, and have constant monitoring, but again, continuous monitoring for the low risk mother is very questionable in benefit.
Fetal Doppler Method
This method is also used intermittently, requires little training to use, has a live person on the other end, and allows mother to maintain her mobility. It may also be easier to use during a contraction. This device does use ultrasound and does not provide the continuous monitoring needed for high risk labors.
Internal Monitoring Method
This is more accurate than the electronic monitoring, does not use ultrasound, and can provide continuous monitoring for the high risk mother. This method requires that your water be broken (An amniotomy will be performed if you water is still intact.), and that you be 2-3 centimeters dilated. Amniotomy adds risks of its own. However, the risks and benefits of each procedure must be weighed. This type of monitoring is almost exclusively used in high-risk situations or when more accurate types of monitoring may prevent other unnecessary interventions. This type of monitoring also has been associated with fetal injury (from the electrode), infection for mother or baby, etc.
Electronic Fetal Monitoring Method
This method provides beat to beat view of the baby's heart tones, in relationship to mother's contractions. This may be used either continuously or intermittently. This is a benefit for the high risk mother, but of questionable benefit to the low risk mother. This method does use ultrasound; leaves room for mechanical error, which may cause incorrect interpretation, unnecessary interventions etc.; loss of maternal mobility (when in use), which may slow labor; and may switch attention from the mother to the machine.
And because those above mentioned risks are inevitable and always part of the procedure, extra caution should be applied and always make sure that a license physician should only do it.
And for choosing a fetal monitor brand that you can always depend on with its highly accurate and credible results, choose only the Edan’s Cadence Pro.
Like all other Edan Cadence’s releases, Cadence Pro is a lightweight, space-saving baby heart monitor. The external and internal monitoring parameters ensure it can be used up to and during the second stage labor. This baby heart rate monitor also can be connected to the CareVista obstetrical central station to construct central monitoring system.
This baby heart monitor can move or mount on walls with its 330mm x 270mm 100mm dimensions and 3.5 kgs. of weight. Thus, this Edan fetal monitor was described as lightweight, space-saving, for easy operation.
This baby fetal monitor is a waterlight high sensitive untrasound transducer. Its flat surface design reduces visible mark and enhances comfort because of the waterlight flat TOCO transducer, with the use of a Multi-crystal high sensitive watertight probe.
With its Signals Overlap Verification, it reduces the risk of heart rate signal from the same source, thus differentiating the heart rate of the mother from the child. Also, Cadence Pro has a built-in long life thermal printer, that can printout patient data storage and review.
The Automatic Fetal Movement Detection (AFM) uses a pulse doppler ultrasound technique, with a range of 0-100% and one percent of resolution, while the marking feature utilizes manual fetal movement mark.
In addition, the wide range of applying voltage (100-250V), from a built-in rechargeable battery make it last for 4 hours of continuous work as an option.
While the Built-in network/PC connecting interface of the product is compatible with wireless and cable LAN obstetrical central station.
And lastly, Insight software for data recording and displaying on a standard PC, has these following features: real time transmission, event and comment record, and patient information management, printout on A4 paper and patient data storage and review.
With this, we are going to cite the known benefits and risks of fetal monitoring according to its type, and these are the following:
Fetoscope Method
This method is non-invasive, simple to use, and has a live person on the other end (This can prevent some of the errors that are mechanical.). This gives mother the mobility to deal with her labor, shower, etc. It does require that the person using it be trained, although it is a standard procedure taught in every medical and nursing type institution. In the case of high risk, induced, or with certain medications, it cannot provide the round the clock monitoring that may be necessary.
Telemetry Monitoring Method
This is the "newest" type of monitoring available. It uses radio waves, connected to a transmitter on your thigh, to transmit the baby's heart tones to the nurses station. You maintain your mobility, and have constant monitoring, but again, continuous monitoring for the low risk mother is very questionable in benefit.
Fetal Doppler Method
This method is also used intermittently, requires little training to use, has a live person on the other end, and allows mother to maintain her mobility. It may also be easier to use during a contraction. This device does use ultrasound and does not provide the continuous monitoring needed for high risk labors.
Internal Monitoring Method
This is more accurate than the electronic monitoring, does not use ultrasound, and can provide continuous monitoring for the high risk mother. This method requires that your water be broken (An amniotomy will be performed if you water is still intact.), and that you be 2-3 centimeters dilated. Amniotomy adds risks of its own. However, the risks and benefits of each procedure must be weighed. This type of monitoring is almost exclusively used in high-risk situations or when more accurate types of monitoring may prevent other unnecessary interventions. This type of monitoring also has been associated with fetal injury (from the electrode), infection for mother or baby, etc.
Electronic Fetal Monitoring Method
This method provides beat to beat view of the baby's heart tones, in relationship to mother's contractions. This may be used either continuously or intermittently. This is a benefit for the high risk mother, but of questionable benefit to the low risk mother. This method does use ultrasound; leaves room for mechanical error, which may cause incorrect interpretation, unnecessary interventions etc.; loss of maternal mobility (when in use), which may slow labor; and may switch attention from the mother to the machine.
And because those above mentioned risks are inevitable and always part of the procedure, extra caution should be applied and always make sure that a license physician should only do it.
And for choosing a fetal monitor brand that you can always depend on with its highly accurate and credible results, choose only the Edan’s Cadence Pro.
Like all other Edan Cadence’s releases, Cadence Pro is a lightweight, space-saving baby heart monitor. The external and internal monitoring parameters ensure it can be used up to and during the second stage labor. This baby heart rate monitor also can be connected to the CareVista obstetrical central station to construct central monitoring system.
This baby heart monitor can move or mount on walls with its 330mm x 270mm 100mm dimensions and 3.5 kgs. of weight. Thus, this Edan fetal monitor was described as lightweight, space-saving, for easy operation.
This baby fetal monitor is a waterlight high sensitive untrasound transducer. Its flat surface design reduces visible mark and enhances comfort because of the waterlight flat TOCO transducer, with the use of a Multi-crystal high sensitive watertight probe.
With its Signals Overlap Verification, it reduces the risk of heart rate signal from the same source, thus differentiating the heart rate of the mother from the child. Also, Cadence Pro has a built-in long life thermal printer, that can printout patient data storage and review.
The Automatic Fetal Movement Detection (AFM) uses a pulse doppler ultrasound technique, with a range of 0-100% and one percent of resolution, while the marking feature utilizes manual fetal movement mark.
In addition, the wide range of applying voltage (100-250V), from a built-in rechargeable battery make it last for 4 hours of continuous work as an option.
While the Built-in network/PC connecting interface of the product is compatible with wireless and cable LAN obstetrical central station.
And lastly, Insight software for data recording and displaying on a standard PC, has these following features: real time transmission, event and comment record, and patient information management, printout on A4 paper and patient data storage and review.
Read more fetal doppler and monitor reviews at the following websites:
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